Brent Information about SEND Applications and the Offer process can be viewed from the following links:
Parent/Carer Information about Special Education Needs & Disability (SEND).
Who do I contact in regards to SEND in school?
Each school has a dedicated person who supports the teachers, children and parents of children with SEND. This person is called the SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator). For St. Joseph’s Catholic Infant and Junior Schools, this is Mr. S. Nicklin. If you wish to contact Mr Nicklin please call the school office or you can e-mail him on the following details:
St. Joseph’s Catholic Junior School Mr S Nicklin School Office – 020 8902 3438 E-mail: |
How do I know if my child has SEND?
All children are very different, all progress at different speeds and enjoy very different parts of the curriculum. If your child is in the early acquisition of English for example this is not a SEND concern, as with further interaction and exposure to the language this will begin to develop. If you are worried that your child is finding their homework consistently very challenging, interacting differently with other children/adults then you should speak to the class teacher teach initially about your concerns or Mr Nicklin the SENCo.
How does the school identify my child has SEND?
Each day in every lesson, the teachers are assessing the children, through these assessments we are able highlight children that sometimes need a little more help than others to complete tasks. Termly assessments are also completed and discussed with the associate head looking for gaps in the children’s learning and identifying children who seem to be making less progress. Through these tools, as well as dialogue with you, we are able to identify children who we think may need a little more support in school.
What are the SEND categories of need?
There are four categories of SEND. One area with the new changes has seen its name changed but the others still remain changed. The four areas are:
Communication and interaction
Cognition and learning
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Sensory and/or physical needs
What is the SEND register?
The SEND register is quite simply a confidential list available to the teaching staff. This shows the children who currently are receiving support from the school. This list allows us to track the progress of the children in one place ensuring we are doing everything we can in supporting your child. Once on the SEND register it doesn’t mean you child will always been there they can easily be taken off once the class teachers are happy they have made the required amount of progress through the support the school has put in place.
How will progress be monitored?
Your child’s progress is reviewed regularly. Their individual IEP targets will be formally reviewed with you and new ones set each term. For overall progress looking at the age related descriptors/objectives, this will take place once each term and a discussion will take place in an assess and review meeting with the associate head teacher, SENCo, class teacher and teaching assistant.
What is an IEP?
An IEP stands for Individual Education Plan, these are targets that have been specifically written either by the class teacher or external agencies to enhance their learning. This personal style of learning ensures we can plan interventions and monitor progress closely ensuring the children reach their full potential.
What is an EHCP?
EHCP stands for Education Health and Care Plan, this is what from 1st September 2014, will replace statements. These Plans have to be applied for by education or health and agreed by the local authority. They are for children who need a greater level of individual support. This then releases additional funding to the school for this particular child.
What is the schools offer?
The schools offer is what as a school we offer our children with SEND. Our offer is then combined with Brent to form what is called the local offer. Each school’s offer may be different as it our decision where we would like to spend our budget to best provide support for our children.
Are we a good school for SEND?
As can be seen in external data reports our SEND children progress well and achieve well also. We are a fully inclusive school which we are very proud of.
What do I do if I have a complaint?
If you have a complaint about the SEND process or arrangements, firstly contact the SENDCo to discuss your complaint. Then please see our complaints policy below for further steps after speaking to the SENDCo. Parents have the following rights of redress, should the school, Governors or LA fail in its duty to provide, or if the parent disagrees with a decision or feels that there is discriminatory practice:
• They should follow the school Complaints Policy.
• If not resolved then the LA’s complaints procedure
• The disagreement resolution service (for disagreements between parents/YP and the LA or parents/YP and
the educational provider)
• An appeal to the SEND First-Tier Tribunal about EHC assessments/plans and/or disability discrimination. This
must follow mediation, unless it is a complaint over the naming of a school placement.
• A complaint to the LA Ombudsman (for complaints against LAs if not resolved through the LA complaints
procedure) Complaint to the Secretary of State (against schools or LAs)
Please click below for further information:
Brent Information, help and advice
Brent Accessibility Strategy 2019 – 2021 (reference)
GOV.UK - Guide to children with SEN
GOV.UK - SEN guide for parents and carers
GOV.UK - SEN Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years