On this page we will share information on our reading scheme as well as reading for pleasure information. Please explore to find out more about reading.
I Reading is the tool to unlock learning. In school we give reading the highest priority and it is woven into all that we do. Children receive a weekly reading book, a reading for pleasure book and each half term the children study a new high quality class text in English lessons. We encourage children to share and recommend books that they have enjoyed to their peers. The teacher also regularly reads their class reader with their class . In addition, all children read each week in their guided reading sessions where quality texts are explored and discussed.
As a school we follow the accelerated reading scheme. Each term the children complete an online assessment to identify their understanding and reading confidence before giving each child a reading zone to aid selecting a book. The children then select a book of their choice within a range aided by an adult discussing the texts they have read and genres they enjoy. The children then have a week to read the book (books with more than 200 pages the children may have an additional week if they wish) and then complete a test on the book. If the result is over 80% then the child may move up to the next step in their reading zone. The results of the tests are then collated and a reading league table celebrated with the children. Each child has their own target to reach which is calculated from their score and when the target is achieved this is celebrated in school with the children receiving certificates.
Reading Ambassadors
Each class in the school has a reading ambassador who is elected by the children. They have the role of promoting the joy and excitement of reading within the class and the school. They are also in charge of their own class library as well as our reading for pleasure library and our accelerated reading library. They celebrate the joy of reading in our whole school events and in charge of our star reading prize machine. Each week, the teacher selects a star reader who is escorted to the reading prize machine where they receive their special token and then select a book of their choice to take home and extend their own reading library. Below are picture of our reading ambassadors filling the reading prize machine.
Celebration of reading
Reading is celebrated in school as much as possible with the weekly class league tables, the target achievement certificates, star reading half termly winners, a reading for pleasure library (as well as the accelerated reading library), class libraries, reading by an adult with the class text, Santa's Christmas reading book for every child each year, star readers winning a book of their choice and celebrating World Book Day each year with a week of activities.