Homework, remote learning and information can be found primarily on google classroom: https://accounts.google.com/
Teachers will use other online resources to support learning and post links to these resources in the classwork or homework for that day.
Below are some of the resources we use.
Subscription services from school: (Logons can be found in your child’s reading record or have additionally been sent home).
If you need usernames and passwords again please email parent@sjjnr.brent.sch.uk (Junior School).
Mathletics (all year groups): https://login.mathletics.com/
Times table rock stars (all year groups) : https://ttrockstars.com/
Mymaths (all year groups): https://www.mymaths.co.uk/
Reading Eggs/Express (all year groups): https://readingeggs.co.uk/
SPAG.com (Year 6 only): https://www.spag.com/
Letterjoin: https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/
Linguascope: Spanish (all year groups): https://www.linguascope.com/
LGfL resources various ALL YEAR GROUPS: https://idp3.lgfl.org.uk/idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO?execution=e1s1#
Please note links in orange are live and clicking on them will take you to the website.
Please check back, this list will change and grow as teachers add to it.
https://www.literacyshedplus.com/en-gb/browse/free-resources/key-stage-2-activity-packs free resources
National Literacy Trust: Resources for parents
https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/bookfinder/: recommended booklists, categorised by age range and topic, including fiction and non-fiction. Family activities are included in the ‘Home Time’ section.
https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/: booklists
Ark Mastery Programme: English four week booklets from Years R-6.
https://www.englishmastery.org/ 8 weeks of activities
Emile: All SPAG resources free
https://www.pobble365.com/ : a new image is published each day as a basis for creative writing. Story starters, questions and drawing ideas are provided.
Audible Stories: all classic children’s stories free
https://authorfy.com Access to masterclasses on texts from a range of authors, including videos from the authors and activities linked to novels. (EYFS to KS2)
Twig and TigTag Education: Free resources Ages 4-11
https://www.stem.org.uk/primary-science: an online resource bank
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z2pfb9q : BBC Science Bitesize for Years 3-6
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00hxp2v/clips BBC Science Clips (all year groups)
Spanish (MFL)
Linguscope - https://www.linguascope.com/
https://nrich.maths.org/ : Interactive and offline activities (EYFS – KS2)
White Rose Maths Year 1-6: Maths lesson plans and videos
Third Space Maths Hub: free maths home learning resources for Key Stage 1 and 2
Emile: All numeracy resources free
https://www.mathematicsmastery.org/free-resources: resource packs
https://nrich.maths.org/: Interactive and offline activities (EYFS – KS2)
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games: (KS1 and 2)
Pie Corbett Maths: Podcasts for daily maths lessons at 9.30 am.
Physical Education (PE)
Joe Wicks: PE Lessons
https://www.createdevelopment.co.uk/ REAL PE Home learning
https://www.nhs.uk/10-minute-shake-up/shake-ups : 10-minute videos based on Disney films (EYFS – KS2)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers : videos which help children move while they learn (KS1 and 2)
https://www.afpe.org.uk/physical-education/thisispe-supporting-parents-to-teach-pe-at-home/ : videos delivered by teachers focussing on the PE curriculum accessible on YouTube.
The British Museum: online collections free.
Natural History Museum: free virtual tours.
Tate Gallery: 360-degree virtual tour.
The National Gallery: virtual tours.
Robin Hood MAT Leaning Projects from EYFS yo Year 6: their learning projects link
BBC Teach: podcasts for ages 3+
BBC Bitesize: Free resources with videos and quizzes.
Tes resources: all home learning packs are free
Classroom Secrets: A range of free resources for primary school-aged children.
TTS: free workbooks to download for EYFS, KS1 and 2.
Purple Mash: Resources free.
Century Tech – English, maths and science for KS1 and 2.
YouTube Learn@Home: a website with learning resources for families
Chatterpack: huge list of links to home learning resources
Mental Well being:
https://www.annafreud.org/what-we-do/anna-freud-learning-network/coronavirus/: wellbeing advice for all those supporting children
https://www.bps.org.uk/news-and-blogs : advice on dealing with school closures and talking to children about COVID-19
https://www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/publication/childrens-guide-to-coronavirus/ : a downloadable guide for children about coronavirus.
https://www.minded.org.uk/ : an educational resource for all adults on children’s mental health.
Homework, remote learning and information can be found primarily on google classroom: https://accounts.google.com/
Teachers will use other online resources to support learning and post links to these resources in the classwork or homework for that day.
Below are some of the resources we use.
Subscription services from school: (Logons can be found in your child’s reading record or have additionally been sent home).
If you need usernames and passwords again please email parent@sjjnr.brent.sch.uk (Junior School).
Mathletics (all year groups): https://login.mathletics.com/
Times table rock stars (all year groups) : https://ttrockstars.com/
Mymaths (all year groups): https://www.mymaths.co.uk/
Reading Eggs/Express (all year groups): https://readingeggs.co.uk/
SPAG.com (Year 6 only): https://www.spag.com/
Letterjoin: https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/
Linguascope: Spanish (all year groups): https://www.linguascope.com/
LGfL resources various ALL YEAR GROUPS: https://idp3.lgfl.org.uk/idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO?execution=e1s1#
Please note links in orange are live and clicking on them will take you to the website.
Please check back, this list will change and grow as teachers add to it.
https://www.literacyshedplus.com/en-gb/browse/free-resources/key-stage-2-activity-packs free resources
National Literacy Trust: Resources for parents
https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/bookfinder/: recommended booklists, categorised by age range and topic, including fiction and non-fiction. Family activities are included in the ‘Home Time’ section.
https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/: booklists
Ark Mastery Programme: English four week booklets from Years R-6.
https://www.englishmastery.org/ 8 weeks of activities
Emile: All SPAG resources free
https://www.pobble365.com/ : a new image is published each day as a basis for creative writing. Story starters, questions and drawing ideas are provided.
Audible Stories: all classic children’s stories free
https://authorfy.com Access to masterclasses on texts from a range of authors, including videos from the authors and activities linked to novels. (EYFS to KS2)
Twig and TigTag Education: Free resources Ages 4-11
https://www.stem.org.uk/primary-science: an online resource bank
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z2pfb9q : BBC Science Bitesize for Years 3-6
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00hxp2v/clips BBC Science Clips (all year groups)
Spanish (MFL)
Linguscope - https://www.linguascope.com/
https://nrich.maths.org/ : Interactive and offline activities (EYFS – KS2)
White Rose Maths Year 1-6: Maths lesson plans and videos
Third Space Maths Hub: free maths home learning resources for Key Stage 1 and 2
Emile: All numeracy resources free
https://www.mathematicsmastery.org/free-resources: resource packs
https://nrich.maths.org/: Interactive and offline activities (EYFS – KS2)
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games: (KS1 and 2)
Pie Corbett Maths: Podcasts for daily maths lessons at 9.30 am.
Physical Education (PE)
Joe Wicks: PE Lessons
https://www.createdevelopment.co.uk/ REAL PE Home learning
https://www.nhs.uk/10-minute-shake-up/shake-ups : 10-minute videos based on Disney films (EYFS – KS2)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers : videos which help children move while they learn (KS1 and 2)
https://www.afpe.org.uk/physical-education/thisispe-supporting-parents-to-teach-pe-at-home/ : videos delivered by teachers focussing on the PE curriculum accessible on YouTube.
The British Museum: online collections free.
Natural History Museum: free virtual tours.
Tate Gallery: 360-degree virtual tour.
The National Gallery: virtual tours.
Robin Hood MAT Leaning Projects from EYFS yo Year 6: their learning projects link
BBC Teach: podcasts for ages 3+
BBC Bitesize: Free resources with videos and quizzes.
Tes resources: all home learning packs are free
Classroom Secrets: A range of free resources for primary school-aged children.
TTS: free workbooks to download for EYFS, KS1 and 2.
Purple Mash: Resources free.
Century Tech – English, maths and science for KS1 and 2.
YouTube Learn@Home: a website with learning resources for families
Chatterpack: huge list of links to home learning resources
Mental Well being:
https://www.annafreud.org/what-we-do/anna-freud-learning-network/coronavirus/: wellbeing advice for all those supporting children
https://www.bps.org.uk/news-and-blogs : advice on dealing with school closures and talking to children about COVID-19
https://www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/publication/childrens-guide-to-coronavirus/ : a downloadable guide for children about coronavirus.
https://www.minded.org.uk/ : an educational resource for all adults on children’s mental health.
Homework, remote learning and information can be found primarily on google classroom: https://accounts.google.com/
Teachers will use other online resources to support learning and post links to these resources in the classwork or homework for that day.
Below are some of the resources we use.
Subscription services from school: (Logons can be found in your child’s reading record or have additionally been sent home).
If you need usernames and passwords again please email parent@sjjnr.brent.sch.uk (Junior School).
Mathletics (all year groups): https://login.mathletics.com/
Times table rock stars (all year groups) : https://ttrockstars.com/
Mymaths (all year groups): https://www.mymaths.co.uk/
Reading Eggs/Express (all year groups): https://readingeggs.co.uk/
SPAG.com (Year 6 only): https://www.spag.com/
Letterjoin: https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/
Linguascope: Spanish (all year groups): https://www.linguascope.com/
LGfL resources various ALL YEAR GROUPS: https://idp3.lgfl.org.uk/idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO?execution=e1s1#
Please note links in orange are live and clicking on them will take you to the website.
Please check back, this list will change and grow as teachers add to it.
https://www.literacyshedplus.com/en-gb/browse/free-resources/key-stage-2-activity-packs free resources
National Literacy Trust: Resources for parents
https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/bookfinder/: recommended booklists, categorised by age range and topic, including fiction and non-fiction. Family activities are included in the ‘Home Time’ section.
https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/: booklists
Ark Mastery Programme: English four week booklets from Years R-6.
https://www.englishmastery.org/ 8 weeks of activities
Emile: All SPAG resources free
https://www.pobble365.com/ : a new image is published each day as a basis for creative writing. Story starters, questions and drawing ideas are provided.
Audible Stories: all classic children’s stories free
https://authorfy.com Access to masterclasses on texts from a range of authors, including videos from the authors and activities linked to novels. (EYFS to KS2)
Twig and TigTag Education: Free resources Ages 4-11
https://www.stem.org.uk/primary-science: an online resource bank
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z2pfb9q : BBC Science Bitesize for Years 3-6
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00hxp2v/clips BBC Science Clips (all year groups)
Spanish (MFL)
Linguscope - https://www.linguascope.com/
https://nrich.maths.org/ : Interactive and offline activities (EYFS – KS2)
White Rose Maths Year 1-6: Maths lesson plans and videos
Third Space Maths Hub: free maths home learning resources for Key Stage 1 and 2
Emile: All numeracy resources free
https://www.mathematicsmastery.org/free-resources: resource packs
https://nrich.maths.org/: Interactive and offline activities (EYFS – KS2)
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games: (KS1 and 2)
Pie Corbett Maths: Podcasts for daily maths lessons at 9.30 am.
Physical Education (PE)
Joe Wicks: PE Lessons
https://www.createdevelopment.co.uk/ REAL PE Home learning
https://www.nhs.uk/10-minute-shake-up/shake-ups : 10-minute videos based on Disney films (EYFS – KS2)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers : videos which help children move while they learn (KS1 and 2)
https://www.afpe.org.uk/physical-education/thisispe-supporting-parents-to-teach-pe-at-home/ : videos delivered by teachers focussing on the PE curriculum accessible on YouTube.
The British Museum: online collections free.
Natural History Museum: free virtual tours.
Tate Gallery: 360-degree virtual tour.
The National Gallery: virtual tours.
Robin Hood MAT Leaning Projects from EYFS yo Year 6: their learning projects link
BBC Teach: podcasts for ages 3+
BBC Bitesize: Free resources with videos and quizzes.
Tes resources: all home learning packs are free
Classroom Secrets: A range of free resources for primary school-aged children.
TTS: free workbooks to download for EYFS, KS1 and 2.
Purple Mash: Resources free.
Century Tech – English, maths and science for KS1 and 2.
YouTube Learn@Home: a website with learning resources for families
Chatterpack: huge list of links to home learning resources
Mental Well being:
https://www.annafreud.org/what-we-do/anna-freud-learning-network/coronavirus/: wellbeing advice for all those supporting children
https://www.bps.org.uk/news-and-blogs : advice on dealing with school closures and talking to children about COVID-19
https://www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/publication/childrens-guide-to-coronavirus/ : a downloadable guide for children about coronavirus.
https://www.minded.org.uk/ : an educational resource for all adults on children’s mental health.