School Council 2024-2025


School Council 2023/2024

Welcome to the St Joseph’s School Council

 Here, at the School Council, our aim is to give every pupil an   opportunity to share their ideas for improving the school. We want to make every member of  the St Joseph’s School family feel safe,  happy and welcome.

All of the classes hold an election to choose their School Councillors to represent them on the School Council.

Everyone’s ideas are heard at School Council. We take the most important issues and questions to our School Council meetings. The School Council meets regularly to discuss and make decisions on the views of their fellow pupils. 


School Council 2022/2023


School Council 2021/2022


The school council have met three time so far this year. We have been discussing playtime, behaviour around school and any other concerns which have come up including house points and the new tables in the Junior School. 

We have also been looking at and discussing the anti-bullying policy and the positive behaviour policy.

17th October 2019

Today the year 5 and 6 school councillors came to the Infant school to help the year 2 school councillors run an assembly for citizenship week. The assembly was about mental health, about how unkind words and bullying can hurt us just as much as cuts and bruises. We also explored leaving people out of our games in the playground and how playtime can be a hard time if we have nobody to play with. After the assembly the year 5 and 6 school councillors spent some time in the Infant playground to see if their assembly had helped the children. Thank you to the year 5's and 6's for their wonderful help today. We look forward to the Junior school council assembly next term. 

Academic year 2018-2019 we have:

  • Helped organise the CAFOD ‘Bright Sock Day’.
  • Helped to organise a Remembrance Day commemorative display, to celebrate the 100 years of Armistice Day (1918 - 2018).
  • Ran an assembly about anti-bullying during anti- bullying week.


Blue Day - Anti-Bullying Day balloon release 

Remembrance Day - celebrating  the centenary of Armistice Day (1918 - 2018)