Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Year 3 class) CHICKEN Feast day is 25th November chicken Saint Catherine as a child was very intelligent and gifted. Around the age of fourteen, she experienced a moving vision of Mary and the infant Jesus, and she decided to become a Christian. She travelled extensively spreading the word of the lord and converted many people to our faith. Sentenced to be executed on a spiked wheel, Catherine touched the wheel and it shattered. Saint Catherine of Alexandria he is the patron saint of young girls, students, philosophers, and craftsmen working with wheels. chicken chicken |
Saint Jude (Year 3 class)
feast day is 28th October
Saint Jude was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus.
Saint Jude was a son of Clopas and his mother Mary was the Virgin Mary's cousin.
Saint Jude's is often drawn with a club. He is also is seen with a flame around his head. This represents his presence at Pentecost, when he received the Holy Spirit with the other apostles. Sometimes Saint Jude is also seen holding an image of Jesus Christ, known as the Image of Edessa.
Saint Jude is the patron saint of lost causes.
Saint Mary (Year 4 class)
Feast day is 12th September
Saint Mary is the wife of Joseph and the mother of Jesus. The angel Gabriel came to Mary to tell her that she would give birth to a son. The angel told Mary that she should call her son Jesus. The angel also said that Jesus would save people from their sins. Saint Mary has a special name called ‘The Mother of God’ due to giving birth to the lord. Saint Mary also has her own special prayer called Hail Mary. The first part honours Mary and the second part asks for Mary’s help. The Virgin Mary is patron of many dioceses, countries, and places throughout the world. She is also the patron of childbirth, motherhood, nuns, the sick, young women, and many others.
Saint Francis of Assisi (Year 4 class)
Feast day is 4th October
Saint Francis of Assisi was a Catholic friar who gave up a life of wealth to live a life of poverty. He established the Franciscan Order of friars and the women's Order of the Poor Ladies. Saint Francis began to see visions from God that changed his life. Francis gave all his money to the church. His father became very angry with him. Francis then left his father's home and took a vow of poverty. He had one basic rule which was "To follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and to walk in his footsteps". Saint Francis is the Patron Saint of The environment, animals, and birds
Saint Joan of Arc (Year 5 class)
Feast day is 30th May
Saint Joan of Arc was peasant girl who, believing that she was acting under divine guidance from God, led the French army in a momentous victory. Having seen visions of angels from the age of 13, she would go onto become a military leader acting under divine guidance to led the French to victory. She is known for great skills in bringing together people for one cause. Having met the King at the age of 17 she made a large impression and when the French armies were starting to loose their way the King sent for her to help them.
Joan of Arc is the patron saint of France, soldiers, prisoners, those in need of courage, those ridiculed for their faith and youth.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe (Year 5 class)
Feast day is 14th August
Saint Maximilian Kolbe was a Polish Catholic priest and friar who volunteered to die in place of a man called Franciszek Gajowniczek in the German concentration camp of Auschwitz, during World War II. He had been active in promoting the veneration of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, founding and supervising the monastery of Niepokalanów near Warsaw. He also operated an amateur-radio station spreading the word of God and founding or running several other organizations and publications. He is the patron saint of amateur radio operators, political prisoners, families, journalists, and prisoners.
Saint Faustina (Year 6 class)
Feast day is 5th October
Saint Faustina is a Polish Nun. She was part of large family of 10 brothers and sisters and had to work hard to support them. She said that God himself was calling her to be a nun and had many visions. She applied to numerous convents but got turned down by many times before finally getting to follow her dream. She states she has had the joy of seeing and spoken to Jesus and Mary several times. Saint Faustina is well known to have written a diary that was later published called Divine Mercy in My Soul. She is is the patron saint of Mercy.
Saint Vincent de Paul (Year 6 class)
Feast day is 27th September
Saint Vincent de Paul, was an Occitan French Catholic priest who dedicated himself to serving the poor. Born into a poor family he was educated by the Franciscans. He did so well in his education he was hired by wealthy families to tutor their children which he used to pay for his university. He spent his life preaching missions and providing relief to the poor. He even established hospitals for them. This work became his passion. He later extended his concern and ministry to convicts. The need to evangelize and assist these souls was so great and the demands beyond his own ability to meet that he founded the Ladies of Charity. Saint Vincent de Paul is the patron to all charitable associations.