
Collective worship timetables 

Click on the dates below to open the timetables

(Please be aware dates and times may change due to Parish events)

Spring 2025

Autumn 2024


Saint Jude 's Class Assembly

On Thursday 13th June 2024,Saint Jude led a wonderful assembly about our Catholic Mission. They told us about the story of Saint Paul and his conversion to Christianity. We were all encouraged to remember we all belong to God’s family and the importance of the Caritas social justice value solidarity and the common good and how this needs to be lived out. Photographs and comments from the parents/carers who attended are shown.

"Well done to all the students and teachers,. A very meaningful assembly."

"Just simply wonderful!"

"It was really wonderful to see and listen about Saint Paul in detail about spreading love and Christianity"

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Saint Joan of Arc 's Class Assembly

On Tuesday 21st May 2024, Saint Joan of Arc led their class assembly based around their Caritas Ambassadors project they are working on with the other Year 5 class (Saint Maximilian Kolbe). The children began by explaining what Caritas means and how we learn about this in school. The children made links back to gospel stories we had been looking at last term 'The Widow's offering' (Mark 12:41-44). Here the children explained the importance of giving and why we give to help and support others. The  children made this link back to Jesus and how we supported and gave all he had to us and how we follow in his footsteps by supporting and giving to others. The children then shared with the charity they have picked to support in their Caritas project and gave us a sneak preview of the fun stalls and games they have install for us after school the next two days. Photographs and comments from the parents/carers who attended are shown.

"Was so beautiful listening to the assembly demonstrating love for others."

"A wonderful example for the children and from this they will always learn to help one another and follow Jesus' footsteps"

"It was simply amazing!"


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Saint Mary's Class Assembly

On Tuesday 5th March 2024, Saint Mary led their class assembly based around the current children's RE topic from Lent to Easter.  The children began with explaining when Lent starts and how this is celebrated explaining the back ground and traditions of Ash Wednesday. The children then moved onto the importance of the Easter Triduum. Focusing back on Lent the children spoke about Lenten practices and how Lent was a time for our spiritual growth and how we want to be more like Jesus.  The children discussed their Lenten promises and challenged us to think of what we can do during lent that wasn't money related but could still make a big difference to others. Saint Mary closed their assembly by retelling the story of The Widow's Mite and children sharing their wonderful work from what they had learnt from this story and what Jesus is teaching us.  Special mention must go to the two amazing musical members of the class who played their guitar and violin as we sang the first hymn. Fantastic! The children gave us the mission to  think and act ways in which we can support others during this special time of lent that do not involve money. Photographs and comments from the parents/carers who attended are shown.

"Great assembly! Well done to all children, I am looking forward to celebrating Lent."

"I felt very emotional, loved every bit. The songs were very touching. Well done!"

"A beautiful assembly - well done children"

"What an amazing assembly, well done children" 

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Saint Francis' Class Assembly

On Tuesday 23rd January 2024, Saint Francis led their class assembly. Their assembly focused on the children's current RE topic From Ur to the Promised Land. The children shared with us what a covenant was and gave examples of these that we can find in the bible. They then moved onto the story of Abraham telling us where it can be found in the bible and the reason it is called an epic. They taught us that the story is an ancestor story: a story of the Jewish people – Jesus’ ancestors. The children then re-told and acted out the story.  The children also explained why Abraham was so special, Jewish Rabbis teach that God’s message to go to the promised land went to everyone but only Abraham listened to it. That’s why God loved him so much – he paid attention to God’s call.  This makes Abraham a great model for Christians and Jews. The children gave us the mission to  think about our covenant with God and how we can ensure we keep this. Photographs and comments from the parents/carers who attended are shown.

"Nice message, wonderful message to everyone and learning about God."

"Wonderful assembly, great concept."

"Well done St. Francis. A nice message to all. Well done to the class and teachers a wonderful message."

"A great performance by the class - enjoyed very much! 

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Spring 2024 Class Masses 

Start at 2pm each week

Please come and join with your child to celebrate a special mass in your child's classroom. 

Friday 12th January - Saint Faustina

Friday 19th January - Saint Vincent de Paul

Friday 26th January - Saint Joan of Arc

Friday 2nd February - Saint Maximilian Kolbe 

Friday 9th February - Saint Mary

Friday 23rd February - Saint Francis


Saint Faustina's Class Assembly

On Thursday 16th November 2023, Saint Faustina held their class assembly. Their assembly focused on the children's current RE unit Advent to Christmas.  The children shared with us the importance of this special time and how Pope Pius XI in 1925 with the  special feast day of Christ the King is held the Sunday before the start if advent. The children went on to discuss how this is a special time for preparing for the coming of Jesus and the special symbols that are associated with this time and their meanings. The children then finished by comparing the Gospel writers accounts of the birth of Jesus and explaining their differences. A wonderful assembly! Special mention to Miroslav who played the closing hymn as a solo on the recorder! Photographs and comments from the parents/carers who attended are shown.

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Saint Vincent de Paul's Class Assembly 

On Tuesday 26th September 2023, Saint Vincent de Paul held their class assembly, the first class assembly of our new school year. Their assembly focused upon our monthly focus of respect. The children shared with is examples of how they can shown respect and what these would and should look like. The children also interviewed pupils from across the school to learn about different types of respect and why it is important. They then linked this message to scripture where the children told and acted out Matthew 12:1-16, Jesus in the Temple. Saint Vincent de Paul then gave us a mission to ensure that we demonstrate the value of respect to our families, authority, others and out selves.   Photographs and comments from the parents/carers who attended are shown.

"Good message from the class to us all."

"Well done to all children, great work!"

"Fabulous work, a very special and important message"

"A wonderful assembly and let us now set out on our mission the children have given us"


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Saint Vincent de Paul's Class Assembly 

On Thursday 22nd June 2023, Saint Vincent de Paul held their class assembly. This was a special reflective assembly based upon their retreat to the SPEC Centre in Pinner a few weeks before. The children reflected on their time in school and how as people they have grown with the support of God in their lives. They also thought about our behaviour and attitudes in different situation and why we feel we need to change our behaviour in front of others. They gave us the Mission of trying to think of how we act in different situations and the importance of being true to ourselves and not changing. Photographs and comments from the parents/carers who attended are shown.


"What a beautiful assembly. Made me reflect on all the years of their fantastic performances across their years in school" 

"It was a wonderful assembly. It made me reflect once again on who I am."

"Wonderful assembly, it's hard to believe this is their last assembly" 

"Absolutely amazing assembly - well done Year 6!" 

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Saint Faustina's Class Assembly 

On Thursday 16th June 2023, Saint Faustina held their class assembly. It was a  beautiful assembly on our current value of ‘Thoughtfulness’. Throughout the assembly we heard lots of ways in school that we focus on this special value and how we can go more of this in our own lives to others. They also gave examples from the Bible of how Jesus was thoughtful to others. They gave us the Mission of trying to remember to think of others and carry out a thoughtful action this weekend. Photographs, videos and comments from the parents/carers who attended are shown below. 

"Fantastic assembly. Well done everyone!"

"Beautiful assembly!"

"Wonderful assembly - the great value of thoughtfulness!"

"Thank you for such a beautiful assembly with a powerful message" 

"Lovely assembly. Really meaningful. I do hope we all can be thoughtful and we lives our lives" 

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Caritas Ambassadors Presentation Assembly 

On Tuesday 6th June 2023, Sister Silvana Dallanegra joined us for a special whole school assembly. Year 5 throughout the Spring and Summer term of 2023 have been working hard on a Caritas project to become a Caritas ambassador.  The children decided to complete an local action project to raise money for the homeless after seeing them when going home from school. The children organised a cake sale and raised over £400! Emily from the passage, the children's chosen charity, also attended the celebration where the children presented her with the cheque of the money that was raised.  Sister Silvana Dallanegra then awarded all the Year 5 children with their caritas ambassador badges. Links to the presentation from the assembly and photographs can be access below. 

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Ash Wednesday Service

 Thank you to Father Tebin who came into school on Wednesday 22nd February for our Ash Wednesday celebration. The service was led by our prayer leaders of Year 3 and 4 and our head prayer leader Zara. Father Tebin reminded us about what is special during the time of lent and what at this special time we should be thinking about and focusing upon.  During this Lenten period we pray:

O Lord Jesus Christ, by your almighty power you opened the eyes of the blind, and showed yourself to them. Turn our eyes away from worthless things, and lead us to love you sincerely; through your mercy. Amen.

Spring Term Class Masses 2023

During the spring term, each class in the Junior School is holding their own class mass. This is a special moment for the children and the parents who are invited to join to receive communion in their own classroom. Thank you to the church for allowing us to facilitate this. The dates for each class are shown on the weekly newsletter and a selection of photographs are shown below. 

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Saint Joan of Arc Class Assembly - Tuesday 7th February 2023

Saint Joan of Arc led a wonderful assembly that focused on Internet safety as Tuesday 7th February is National Internet Safety Day. They explained the focus of this year and how they wanted to listen to children's thoughts about making the internet a safe place. The children then asked us a key question as when face to face we intervene and stop when people do or say inappropriate things and asked us is this is the same if online? This is a key question and the answer should be the same!  The children then linked this to the Parable of the Good Samaritan and re-enacted the story.  Photographs, videos and comments from the parents/carers who attended are shown below.

"Lovely assembly!"

"Wonderful assembly with loads of messages"

"Lots of messages of how we can be secure when using the internet."

"Thank lovely teachers that was amazing!"

"It was such an informative assembly, very apt and neatly orchestrated." 

"Fantastic assembly with lovely singing and a very important message for both children and parents." 

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Saint Maximilian Kolbe Class Assembly - Thursday 2nd February 2023

Saint Maximilian Kolbe led a beautiful assembly about Candlemas and the presentation of Jesus at the temple. They reminded us about the importance of the symbol of light and how just as light brightens darkness, Jesus as our guiding light, lights the way and guides us on our journey. They gave us the mission of sharing our own unique light with others. Photographs and comments from the parents/carers who attended are shown below.

"What a beautiful assembly! I thoroughly enjoyed it!" 

"A great performance by the children. Well done!" 

"Excellent, well done! Beautifully presented, great job Mrs O'Halloran - you are bringing out the best in the children!" 

"Great performance really great! Lots of effort by the staff and students. A lot of talent, keep it up!" 

"What a wonderful assembly, I'm so proud of you!" 

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Saint Mary Class Assembly - Thursday 19th January 2023

Thank you to Saint Mary for leading Collective Worship with a focus on the Feast of the Epiphany.  We heard from the children what is very special about this feast and what it means to us as Christians. The children discussed what epiphany means and the moment in their lives when they had an epiphany moment.  The children acted out the Epiphany from the bible and the children sang a beautiful collection of hymns accompanied by Mr Chui playing the flute. Photographs and comments from the parents/carers who attended are shown below. 

"Thank you a wonderful assembly and encourage our children reach high in their education"

"Very well done! I am so proud of all of you. Al the children were amazing!"

"Thank you children, you were amazing! A beautiful assembly!"

"Beautiful hymns! Well done everyone!"

"It was a fantastic and wonderful morning. The children performed so well!" 

"The children were so confident, a huge thumbs up!"

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Saint Francis Class Assembly - Thursday 24th November 2022

Thank you to Saint Francis for leading Collective Worship with  a focus on our current RE topic 'Advent to Christmas'.  The children shared with us the importance of the advent season as well as the signs and symbols that can be seen and enjoyed though this season. The children also thought about the Gospel writer with this Advent starting back in Year A and a focus upon Matthew. They shared their thoughts and opinions on why he had started with the family tree of Jesus, the titles he had selected for Jesus and the stories Matthew had included.  The video the children created and shared with you in their assembly, can be accessed below as well other as photographs.  Comments from the parents/carers who attended are shown below. 

"What a fantastic assembly! It really helped me think about preparing my heart for Advent! The children spoke so well and the interviews and singing were great. Thank you."

"Beautiful message for Advent. Good effort Mr Faley, well done. Thank you very much. "

"Thank you for reminding us about the significance of Advent. You’ve done amazing."

"Well done to all the children. You done such a great job and showcased an amazing performance for your assembly. I look forward to watching your next one. Well done to the teachers too!"

"Wonderful story of Advent, beautifully told by the children. Well done to all."

"Wonderful assembly all the children performed very good. Thank you all."

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Saint Jude Class Assembly - Thursday 20th October 2022

Thank you to Saint Jude for leading Collective Worship with  a focus on our current RE topic 'In the beginning'.  The children focused on the message from Pope Francis in the open letter he wrote the the world 'Our Common Home' entitled Laudati Si. The children led us through the impact the Pope has seen us do to our world. The children gave us solutions in how we can ensure we look after our common home better. As the children said this morning, unless we look after our common home better it is the less fortunate people around the the world that will suffer from our greed.  The video the children created and shared with you in their assembly, can be accessed below as well other as photographs.  Comments from the parents/carers who attended are shown below. 

"It was nice and lovely to see all the children together and participating in the assembly and message to save God’s Creation, save the world. Excellent assembly. Thank you."

"Beautiful message by the children to take care of our common home. How to use, reuse and not waste."

"The assembly was very beautiful. The message was very good. Miss Castro is wonderful. She is lovely, well organised and a good message through the assembly. All were great. Thanks to the teacher. Good job teacher"

"Wonderful assembly, all the children performed very well. Good work. Loved it. Thank you."

"It was very good assembly. You all did so amazing. I am really happy to be a part of your assembly. Thank you."

"It was lovely to be part of St Jude’s assembly all about common creation. The children sang beautifully. Well done."


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Saint Catherine Class Assembly - Thursday 6th October 2022

Thank you to Saint Catherine for leading Collective Worship with a focus on our current RE topic 'In the beginning'.  The children shared with us the most famous story of a beginning - the creation story.  The children retold the story and also discussed with us how we should ensure we look after God's creations and what we can do. The children also shared with us some of their RE work focusing upon what being created in God's image and likeness means to them as well as their experiences of their first half term in the Junior School. This video can be viewed below as well as some comments from the parents/carers who attended as well as photographs of the assembly. 

"The assembly was very religious, thank you teachers and all students for such a special assembly"

"All the children were wonderful and the assembly was well performed"

"All the children were wonderful; thank you all"

"Thank you and well done to all teachers and pupil's in Saint Catherine"

 "Thanks to Miss Dunne and everyone, everything was amazing especially the confidence they all have."

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Join the Saint Joseph's Infant and Junior Prayer leaders in praying the Stations of the Cross, introduced by our Head Girl and Boy. (Video below)

Saint Maximilian Kolbe Class Assembly - Tuesday 24th May 2022

Thank you to Saint Maximilian Kolbe for leading Collective Worship with a focus on The Queen's Platinum Jubilee linked with the main themes of our current RE topic.  The children shared with us the many achievements of our Queen as well as singing her favourite religious hymns and the national anthem. We learnt how The Queen's faith is very special to her and how it supports and guides her in her role.  Below are some comments from the parents/carers who attended as well as photographs of the assembly. 

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Year Five Easter Liturgy - Tuesday 22nd March 2022

Thank you to the whole of Year Five, for a very special and reverent Easter message. This year the children followed the stations of the cross. After portraying and explaining each station, they then linked this to their life experiences both in and out of school and how we can we can support others in a similar situation.  It gave us all something to think and pray about and especially how we should be looking to support others around us.  Photographs and a video of the liturgy are below as well as some comments from parents/carers who attended.

"It was a very beautiful performance by the children. It gave us a chance to reflect on lent time by showing how we can change ourselves for the better. It would not be possible without the support of teachers and staff, so great work. All the best. Thank you and God Bless."

"It was so great that it made me cry. Great job team!"

"Absolutely amazing!! Fantastic re-tell of the Easter Story. The children were outstanding! The singing was so moving. Well done Year 5, you should be so proud of yourselves!!"

"Very well done to the children, teachers and Head Teacher. I really enjoyed it. Very moving. Keep up the excellent work you do. Thanks"

"So, so impressed with how amazing and perfect the whole performance was! Amazing! Congratulations to all the years 5’s on such a WOW, WOW show! Well done."

Saint Jude Class Assembly - Tuesday 15th March 2022

Thank you to Saint Jude for leading Collective Worship our current RE topic 'Lent to Easter'.  The children shared with us the importance of this special time as we prepare for Easter and the Lenten promises they have made. The children taught us the importance of challenging ourselves in Lent and the three focuses of fast, pray and giving alms. The children also reminded us of the origins of alms giving which comes from the Old Testament as this person was considered a moral person.  Below are some comments from the parents/carers who attended. 

"Amazing singing. Learnt a lot from the children. They all did so well!" 

"The assembly was very, very nice and enjoyable. I really appreciate the teachers for teaching the children about the Lord Jesus Christ. May God Bless all of them during this lent season."

"Amazing effort from the school. It was lovely to see all of them perform. God Bless all!"

"Fabulous assembly! Al the children spoke clearly and sang beautifully!!"

"An amazing assembly! Children worked hard and delivered a lovely assembly for us. Well done all, we are so proud of you!" 

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Ash Wednesday service - Wednesday 2nd March 2022


Father Tebin came to school to led our special Ash Wednesday service in school.  All the children received ashes. The prayer leaders, head boy, head girl and other Year Six pupils supported this special service. 

During this Lenten season we pray:

Father, Let us open our hearts to your love. 

We are sorry for our selfishness.

Help us to think less about ourselves,

and more about others today and everyday.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.


Saint Catherine Class Assembly -Thursday 10th February 2022

Thank you to St Catherine for a very special assembly focusing upon 'Being a Sacramental People'.  The children shared with us where they see God in the world around us and the importance of forgiveness. The children taught us this special message through the Bible story of The Prodigal Son.  Below are some comments from the parents/carers. 

"Well done everyone, you all did well!" 

"Such a wonderful assembly the children did excellent. The message of forgiveness was so clearly demonstrated. The songs touched my heart. Once again thank you to all the staff for the work you do for our children."

"Very well executed with a great message. Well done everyone and a huge thanks to the teachers."

"It was a lovely assembly. Really enjoyed it. Forgiveness is the key. God Bless all the children."

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Dressing of the Christmas tree - Wednesday 1st December 2021

Today, the Junior children dressed the Christmas tree with all the beautiful hand-crafted decorations the children had made. It was such a magical time with the children singing Christmas carols around the tree before carefully hanging their decorations.  Then (with a little Christmas magic and some wishes) the tree was lit!  The images from the afternoon are shown below. 

Lord Jesus, 

Encircle this tree with your blessing.

May its twinkling lights remind us of the hope and promise of your coming.

May we find joy in the memories we share in its tinsel and trimmings.

May the presents we place beneath it give rise to an appreciation for the gift of your presence among us.

We ask this in your Holy name.


Saint Francis Class Assembly - Tuesday 23rd November 2021

Thank you to St Francis for a very special class assembly as we move ever closer to Advent.  We learnt about what Advent means to us and the special signs and symbols of the season. The children reflected on the true meaning of Christmas and how they can prepare and help others. Below are some comments from the parents/carers. 

"The small event had a BIG message…. God Bless all!"

"Well done to all of St Francis, you all done so well and you should be  very proud of yourselves."

"A beautifully illustrated assembly, both informative and entertaining. Well done to all!"

"Absolutely loved the assembly. Mr. Faley did an amazing job. Kids were fantastic. When they sang I had tears in my eyes. Thank you!"

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Saint Mary Class Assembly - Tuesday 19th October 2021


Thank you to Saint Mary for a beautiful assembly to start off this new school year. It was wonderful to invite parents back in to share this special moment with us. We leant about the sources of Revelation and the presence of the Lord in our everyday life.  The children also shared their Moses pictures in a video which can be watched below as well as some comments from the parents/carers. 

"It was a great face to face experience. Assembly was amazing, children performed really well. Thank you to all the staff."

"Well done St Mary’s on the wonderful assembly. So proud of you!"

"Lovely assembly, nice to see happy kids again. Well done St Mary!"

"Thank you is a very small word to say, but I greatly and heartily say a big thanks to the teachers for giving us this opportunity to observe the assembly. It was a great experience and an amazing moment that made me really emotional. Thank you so much teachers and children for you efforts. All the best for the future and God Bless you. Many thanks."


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